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How Long Do Crowns Last?


A dental crown act as a covering sheet placed over the existing tooth to make it look and feel like a normal tooth. It is often used when a tooth is damaged, cracked, or loses its original structure. There is a common question that people frequently ask: how long do dental crowns last? 

Let us understand in detail the service life of the crown.

If a dental crown is maintained correctly, it generally has a lifespan of between 5 and 15 years on average.

On the other hand, if a dental crown is well cared for, it can last 25 to 40 years. But this also depends on the person’s mouth. 

Porcelain and Porcelain Fused Metal (or PFM)made crowns generally last up to 5 to 15 years. On the other hand, metal crowns can last 20 years or even longer. A gold and zirconia crown can last a lifetime.

Note: Most of the insurance companies will pay for the medical claim if your crown needs to be replaced after five years. However, a well-made and quality crown should not be defective or require replacement within five years. 

How long do dental crowns last on front teeth?

In many cases, dental crowns on the front teeth can last up to 15 years. However, if properly cared for, it can even last 25-30 years.

How Long Do Porcelain Crowns Last?

This is a debatable issue; however, it is said that the average life span of Porcelain Crowns is 15 years, although it is necessary to know that some can last five years and others 30. In order to extend this time, it is important to take extreme dental hygiene and go for regular checkups.

How Long Do Crowns Last On Front Teeth?

Dental crowns on front teeth can be last up to 15 years. It totally depends upon how you are taking care of your dental crowns. We have also discussed “how you can protect your dental crowns” and “how to increase the life span of your dental crown.” So stick to the instructions if you are serious about your teeth and dental crowns.

How Can I Make My Crown Last Longer?

How Can I Make My Crown Last Longer- mongersmint
How Long Do Crowns Last |Image: “Pixabay”|

Keep in mind that a human’s mouth is complex. These are some important points for protecting your dental crown:

  • Oral hygiene  
  • Daily eating habits
  • Nail-biting
  • Chewing ice
  • Drinking something extremely hot
  • Using your teeth to open packages 
  • The material used to make the dental crown

Note: If a crown is manufactured to the highest standards, is correctly fitted to your bite, and if properly cared for, it may last a lifetime.

Do crowned teeth need special care?

While crowned teeth do not require special care, it is worth noting that just because the teeth are crowned does not mean they are protected from gum disease or cavities.

Therefore, it is essential to follow healthy eating practices and oral hygiene habits. Be sure that:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day 
  • Floss every day, especially around the region of the crown where the gum meets the tooth
  • Rinse with a good antibacterial mouthwash once a day

How to protect your dental crown?

How to protect your dental crown- mongersmint
How Long Do Crowns Last |Image: “Freepik”|

Although a crowned tooth does not need special care, it does need 100% protection against cavities, just like other teeth. Check out the given steps given below 

  • Make sure you practice healthy oral hygiene habits and floss every day.
  • Thoroughly clean the region around your crown, especially the gum line.
  • Do not chew on hard or firm objects once you have the crown on.
  • Get regular checkups to see if your crown shows any signs of damage, bite problems, and cavities.
  • Do not rub or clench your teeth. This can damage your crown.

Five signs your dental crowns need replacement:

Five signs your dental crowns need replacement- mongersmint
How Long Do Crowns Last |Image: “Freepik”|

A crown is replaced for cosmetic reasons or to preserve the tooth’s health after it is damaged. 

If your upper and lower teeth are poorly opposed, that is, if they do not fit properly, you may have excessive wear on the occlusal surfaces due to:

  • Normal chewing 
  • Nocturnal bruxism (or teeth grinding)

In general, bruxism puts a lot of pressure on the crowns. People with malocclusion or bruxism can suffer damage or early wear of the crown. 

If your dentist sees any damage/wear on your crown or teeth, they will eventually replace your crown. So, here are five signs that your dental crown needs to be replaced right away. 

1. Pain around the crown

Pain around the crown- mongersmint
How Long Do Crowns Last |Image: “Pixabay”|

Your crown should fully protect your sensitive tooth underneath it. However, if your dental crown is broken, loose, or cracked, you will experience discomfort or pain in the surrounding area of ​​the tooth. Since the underlying tooth is bare, it is very susceptible to cavities and bacteria.

See your dentist when you notice the following symptoms on your crown:

  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Swelling

Depending on the severity of the crown damage, your dentist will do one of two things:

  • Repair your dental crown
  • Completely replace your dental crown

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2. Changes in your bites

Now, if you get your crown, it shouldn’t affect the way you bite. Your dentist will shape your crown to make sure it matches the height of the surrounding teeth while maintaining your normal bite. 

However, if for some reason this does not go well, it also requires a “dental crown replacement.”

These signs indicate that you should go to the dentist immediately: 

  • Jaw pain 
  • Problems chewing food, especially on the side of the mouth or where the crown is located.
  • Depending on how your dental crown affects your bite, your dentist will do one of two things:
  • Change the shape of your dental crown to relieve pain and tension in your jaw
  • Completely replace the dental crown

3. The gum line retracts

The chances of bacteria accumulation on the gum’s surface, especially where the dental crown has been placed, always tend to be greater. Therefore, after wearing a dental crown, gum complications such as receding the gum line can occur. 

A receding gum line indicates that:

  • Your crown is positioned incorrectly, or
  • You are not taking proper care of your crown
  • See your dentist if:
  • Observe something abnormal
  • Experience increased sensitivity near your gums

Depending on the problem, your dentist may:

  • Solve the problem and advise you on healthy oral hygiene.
  • Replace the entire crown if there is sensitivity or decay in the retracted region

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4. Old-fashioned or aged crown

Although dental crowns last for years, as long as they are properly cared for, it is a good idea to replace your crown once it is 5 or 6 years old. This is also a good oral health practice.

But if your dental crown hasn’t bothered you for years, you don’t need to change it unless you notice some damage or wear.

However, the following symptoms warrant a replacement:

  • Damage or crack in the crown
  • Pressure on the nerve

An aged/outdated dental crown that includes metal components that don’t match your teeth can affect longevity. Talk to your dentist and exchange it for a silver or gold crown, especially if it is on the front tooth.

5. The cosmetic appearance begins to deteriorate.

A crown that is noticeable or looks completely different from your nearby teeth causes embarrassment. If it is the back teeth, it is not a problem because they are barely visible. But a different colored crown attached to a canine or incisor will be quite noticeable.

In such cases, it is better to replace the crown with a new one before deciding to “replace,” consider your “insurance policy” because some companies tend to pay for new crowns only after a specific period of time.

If the problem is mild and you don’t have any problems, you can wait until the period is over and be eligible for the insurance claim.


If you take care of your dental crowns properly, they can last for more than 30 years, although the dental crown’s average duration under optimal conditions is set between 15 and 20 years.
If the tooth is having inflammation, decay, or any other kind of disease, the placed dental crown may lose its grip and end up falling out.
The dental crowns are similar to a regular tooth and therefore require the same care. It is essential to go to a dental clinic for the related check-ups periodically so that you can take proper advice and information from the dentist about the condition of your tooth and dental crowns.

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