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The Challenges Of Digital Marketing For 2021 Free Guide

The Challenges Of Digital Marketing For 2021

Challenges Of Digital Marketing For 2021: The explosive growth in E-commerce in 2020, caused by the pandemic and the inability to buy in person, left us with great lessons and challenges for the year that has already begun. The keys to overcoming this new scenario are how we design our users’ experience and the information to make better decisions.

According to a Shopify report on E-commerce’s future in the coming months, about 84% of consumers have bought online during the pandemic, and 53% of them indicated having avoided crowds and face-to-face purchases. All this poses great challenges for those who focus on digital marketing, especially in an unpredictable 2021. 

The importance of our identity

“Purpose” is the first key – if not the most important – to face a challenging year full of uncertainty. Thus, the organizations that are clear about why they exist and who their customers and/or users are, are the ones that take the lead to navigate the waters of an uncertain scenario.

In this sense, it is relevant that we identify our services or products’ strengths and weaknesses. Our contents can offer the prospect, user or client, information that is not in tune with reality. Today, more than ever, we cannot promise what cannot be fulfilled. For this reason, we must be clear about how we communicate our brand and rely on the tools that allow us to shape our content. 

Grow our community

Online events are another trend for this year. These will be positioned as an effective and close way (or as much as the screens allow) to communicate with users. Despite the growing exhaustion caused by online meetings, users’ willingness to be spectators of other types of events is increasing.

Various experts highlight the need to create participation and involvement instances, which allow brands to position themselves and be active contributors to the conversation. We seek that users participate in our online activities and track before, during, and after. 

We must design attractive, useful, and meaningful experiences for users, those that add value and strengthen the bond we want to have with our brand. For this reason, regardless of the type of event or platform, organizations must aim for the interaction between people to be the articulating axis of their initiatives and activities.

Metrics to know that we are on the right track

One of the advantages or headaches, depending on who we ask, of the actions we can carry out digitally is that much of our efforts can be monitored, measured, and improved. 

The AI and machine learning that different platforms have been incorporated as a fundamental part of their operation today allow us to access information that interpreted correctly. We can make decisions in real-time to optimize our digital actions.

In this sense, the management of metrics teams becomes crucial. It is essential to consider all related areas’ involvement -including the directives-being a critical point. It is no longer the digital areas’ responsibility to understand concepts such as CTR, CPC, visits, sessions, and conversions. We must be propagated and promote metrics and understand the impact they have on our business strategies.

To conclude, our marketing strategies’ design becomes even more relevant in 2021, “digital” is no longer an appendix but an obligation. 

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