Business Digital Marketing News

Email Automation: Attract, Convert And Retain Your Customers In A Simple Way

Email Automation: Attract, Convert And Retain Your Customers In A Simple Way

Have you ever wondered why companies are increasingly incorporating Email Marketing Automation into their digital strategy?

A first Answer: it is proven that this technique’s results are brilliant if you do it in the best way.

The truth is that effective Email Marketing offers a high conversion power and a Return on Investment that you will not be able to believe (for every dollar invested, you receive an average of 44 dollars!). That is why we face one of the three most chosen techniques to develop business in the online world.

However, to make the most of this technique, you should pay special attention to Email Marketing Automation, an advanced Email Marketing variant. Here we will see what it is, how it works and why incorporating it will help you attract, convert and retain more customers.

What is Email Automation, and how does it improve the management of online businesses?

Email Automation: Attract, Convert And Retain Your Customers In A Simple Way- mongersmint


The Email Automation is a schedule for shipments flow to shoot at certain times you’ve previously defined automatically, or when the User complies with any conditions that you have determined.

The best thing is that you can configure them once and for all, to save time and money in the assembly of your shipments. And all this without losing effectiveness in your Campaigns!

So, if you have had the intention of accompanying your Contacts in each stage of the Conversion Funnel and it has taken you too much time, effort or money, Email Automation is for you.

How will it help you run your business? You will be able to have all the communications of your company under control. Nothing better than being present with your Contacts in each instance of the Funnel and guiding them towards the purchase. And when we talk about loyalty, automation has a maximum degree of effectiveness.

Automatic campaigns: Mass mailing and personalized communications

Without a doubt, this is the best way to take advantage of the potential of Email as a digital channel. If you already found Email Marketing useful when sending massive campaigns with personalized messages, consider how advantageous it is to do it automatically.

Scheduling your Campaigns in advance allows you to control the flows that will reach your Contacts fully. Also, customizing your Emails’ content according to the action or condition will guarantee you are sending a coherent piece at the right time.

Mailchimp, the leading Email and Automation Marketing tool, allows you to incorporate this and more types of shipments into your digital strategy in a straightforward way. By creating a free account, you can design 100% personalized emails with your business’s identity, segment User Lists and send unlimited shipments.

When thinking about your Email Marketing strategy, keep in mind that your Campaigns will gain effectiveness if they are:

  • Automatic
  • Segmented
  • Customized

Criteria or conditions for automated shipments

When we talk about scheduling automatic flows, you must be clear about the specific situations that will help you take advantage of this type of shipments.

Meet some automation that will be useful for your business:

  • Automation by Subscription to Lists. Has a new Contact left their data in a Form? Receive it in the best way, with a warm welcome in your Inbox. You can take advantage of that first contact to tell him what he can expect from you, or even offer him an exclusive promotion for joining your community. Make a great first impression!
  • Automation by Scheduled Dates. Is it a Subscriber’s birthday? Is an invoice or payment coming due and you need to remind them? Schedule an Email to fire on a specific date and arrive when you’re most expecting it. Use this option to anticipate your competition!
  • Automation RSS. If you have a blog or a news site and want your Subscribers to know about all your updates, use this type of automation, and you will not need to create a Campaign every time you want to share new content. Doppler will do it for you!

Automation by Behavior: Make shipments according to the interactions with your Site or your Campaigns

email automation campaign- mongersmint


Other actions that can trigger your Campaigns have to do with the Behavior of your Users. You can obtain beneficial information from the interactions they have had with your Website or with a Campaign sent.

We refer to knowing what they prefer of everything you offer them and expecting from you. Take advantage of this Behavior to deliver relevant content to the audience and guide the purchase more quickly.

  • Automation by Behavior in previous Campaigns. Let’s suppose you have an online tourism agency and you have sent a Campaign with different packages and promotions. Then a User clicks on the link on “Flights to France” but does not buy anything.

Here you can have that second Email programmed once and for all to be triggered a short time later with information related to that click. Flights to Paris, accommodation in the best hotels in the city, excursions to Versailles, whatever you want!

  • Automation by Behavior on Site. When Users browse your Website, a lot of information remains at your disposal. It’s up to you to take advantage of it! 
  • What pages did you visit? Which links did you click on?
  •  What categories interested you the most? 

Program automated campaigns with related content according to the visitors’ journey on your Website, and you will have half the way paved. Offer your Contacts directly what they want, and you will be closer to converting them into customers.

Automation for E-commerce: Get back to work to close more sales!

Automation for E-commerce: Get back to work to close more sales!- mongersmint


On the other hand, Email Automation offers functionalities specially designed for Online Stores. We refer to two types of very effective campaigns to increase sales. Those campaigns represent a large percentage of the profits of the most successful E-commerce.

  • Product Visited

When a user visits a page of your site or clicks on a specific product of your E-commerce, this is because they have a particular interest in it. It’s on your side to turn that interest into something more! Invite him to complete the purchase by programming an automatic Email with more information about the article visited.

Do it when it is still “hot”. (that is, try not to spend too much time between the visit and the Campaign) and your Email will achieve its mission.

  • Abandoned Cart

Did you know that at least half of online shoppers have ever left a product in the Cart? It’s a lot! More and more, however, Online Stores have taken action not to miss this sales opportunity.

The Abandoned Cart Email is programmed to arrive a short time. After the User navigated the site with the intention that they complete their purchase again, shipments that want to bring buyers back are more efficient when they use: temptation and urgency as resources: “Don’t you take it ?! The last ones are in stock“, “Take it and shipping will be free“, “You have an X% discount if you buy it today“.

Throughout this article, we have reviewed the different advantages that Email Automation offers when incorporating it into your digital marketing strategy if you are already applying Email Marketing Automation in your business or have not yet taken the first step.

Consider including this functionality to attract, convert and retain customers automatically. You will control your communications and minimize your efforts while developing other important aspects of your online business. Interesting, right?

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