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Chaz Bono Weight Loss Secret Revealed 2021

Chaz Bono Weight Loss Strategy Revealed

Chaz Bono said he wanted to lose weight and really succeeded. In November, the son of the singer Cher and who participated in the program “Dancing with the Stars”, has already lost 19 kilos after he publicly announced that he had the mission to lose 22 kilos. In March 2009, Chaz underwent sex-change surgery.
In an interview for the magazine “People”, he said how the weight loss process was. “I adhered to a very strict diet. I’m cutting a lot of food off my list and eating mostly proteins, vegetables and fruits,” he said.

Chaz Bono Weight Loss Secret Revealed- mongersmint
Chaz Bono Weight Loss Secret Revealed

Bono, who weighed about 113 kilos before the diet, first participated in an episode of “The Doctor” as he was called by the program to be helped. “The episode was the most uncomfortable thing I have been on television in my life. I wanted to lose weight. It was something I was trying to do, but it was failing. The opportunity came, and I was rejecting the idea at first. , the more I thought about it, I realized that I was trying to deal with it, and someone was willing to help me. So I let go of pride and accepted the help “, said Bono. Next week, he will return to the program to show weight loss.

Chaz Bono extreme weight losses- mongersmint
Chaz Bono extreme weight losses- mongersmint

He also confessed that it has been more challenging to lose weight after he lost a lot. “It is getting complicated. The weight was decreasing at the beginning, and now it is decreasing little by little. The smaller you are, the more difficult it is to lose weight. The last 4 or 9 kilos are the most difficult to lose. I want to lose more than I keep losing, but not as I did at the beginning when I lost about 2 kilos a week “, he said.

Chaz Bono weight loss Update- mongersmint
Chaz Bono weight loss Update

In an interview with People magazine, Bono said that his success was based on changing the way he ate. He explained: “Diets don’t work. You just have to change what you eat, that’s what I did”. Speaking specifically about the type of food that is prepared, Bono said, “I cook a lot of different things,” adding: “I really avoid grains and starch, so my diet is based on fruits and vegetables. I prepare them in very different ways to make everything as interesting as possible.”

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“I feel better when I look in the mirror. I like it when I see myself better,” he confessed to the publication. “I’m willing never to eat the things I liked again,” he said, laughing. “Never say never. I know it happens a lot, but I really want to do everything I can to avoid gaining that weight back. I need to keep my weight down, in the future, trying to be healthy,” he added.

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