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Can A Apple Seed Really Kill You?

Does Apple Seed Is Dangerous?

Although many sites say that yes, the reality is that no, this rumor arose because the apple seed contains cyanogenic glycosides, substances that protect the apple and are capable of releasing hydrocyanic acid through hydrolysis reactions. That is, the seeds are capable of producing in your organism CYANIDE (CN-). A substance that is highly harmful to humans.

What is cyanide? and how does it work?

Cyanide is a common chemical widely known as one of the deadliest poisons. Many of the compounds that contain it, called Cyanogenic glycosides. These compounds are found naturally, present above all in many fruit seeds. And amygdalin is one of these compounds.

Like other fruit seeds, Apple seeds have a solid outer layer characterized by resistance to different digestive juices. But when the seeds are chewed, amygdalin is released into the body, and it could produce cyanide.

In recent years, the consumption of apple seeds has become a popular option, mainly because, in small quantities. The seeds can be eliminated without causing problems in our bodies. However, consuming them in high amounts can be dangerous.

But according to experts, even if someone managed to eat 40 apple seeds, the amount that some sites say could be fatal, that person would have a small amount of cyanide in his body, only able to make him feel terrible, but it would never be fatal.

Are apple seeds dangerous?

The content of amygdalin in one gram of apple seeds varies in the range of 1-4 mg, depending on the variety.

However, the amount of cyanide obtained from apple seeds is much less. From one gram of finely ground or chewed seeds, up to 0.06-0.24 mg of cyanide can be obtained.

Therefore, in order to get serious poisoning with a possibly fatal outcome, you must eat two glasses of apple seeds.

The exact lethal dose of apple seeds varies widely. It depends on body weight, individual sensitivity, and apple variety. Keep in mind that non-fatal poisoning can be obtained from much fewer apple seeds.

Cyanide intake

Consuming 0.5-3.5 mg per kilogram of body weight can lead to severe poisoning, causing coma, paralysis, heart and lung failure, or even death.

For an adult weighing 81 kg, the lethal dose is 41-286 mg of cyanide.

Lower amounts of cyanide can cause a variety of milder symptoms, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dizziness, weakness, and disorientation.

The exact amount required for poisoning depends on your body weight. Younger children are at greater risk.

Conclusion. A small amount of cyanide in the range of 0.2-1.6 mg per kilogram of body weight causes acute poisoning and can even be fatal.

Bodyweight (kg) Apple seeds (grams) Apple Seeds (Pieces)
9 19-529 27-756
54 113-3,175 162-4,536
59 123-3,440 176-4.914
64 132-3.704 189-5,292
68 142-3.969 203-5.670
73 151-4.234 216-6,048
77 161-4.498 229-6,426
82 170-4,763 243-6,804
86 180-5.027 256-7.182
91 189-5,292 270-7,560

The above table on the website shows the lethal dose of apple seeds based on body weight.

For example, to kill a man weighing 82 kg, you will need from 243 to 6804 apple seeds. To put this to scale, one apple can contain anywhere from 0 to 20 seeds.

Plus, swallowing whole seeds is unlikely to cause any symptoms. The shell of the seed protects it from digestive enzymes, and they pass harmlessly through the digestive system.

However, before giving apples to small children or pets.

Takeaway: Several apple seeds can be safely eaten. However, a large number of crushed seeds (over 100 grams) are potentially fatal.

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Other benefits of Apple Seed for health

The Apple Seed also contains amygdalin, also called Vitamin B17. A glucoside directly affects the well-being and stability of the metabolism. The function of amygdalin is that when it is crushed or chewed, it turns into hydrogen cyanide. That in large quantities it can be a poison.

However, the amount of amygdalin and therefore cyanide in apple seeds is so small that we should eat about 20 kilos for it to be harmful. The seeds of other popular fruits such as apricots, watermelons, or grapes also contain amygdalin.

Among the multiple benefits of the Apple Seed is that of being great allies for the health of our skin. Apple seed oil, among other functions, stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. Making it feel little by little smoother and shinier. Apple seeds also help eliminate acne from oilier skin thanks to the antioxidant properties that clean from the inside and soften the outside.

Apples in general and their seeds, in particular, contain a large number of antioxidants that also act to prevent chronic diseases. Apple seeds contain flavonoids, a compound found in many plants, which helps them protect themselves and adapt to their environment. This compound is beneficial for our mental and emotional health.

A study by the British Mind Association recommends that we pay attention to what foods we eat as they are related to our mood and our neuronal activity. In this same study, we found apples at the top of foods that improve neuronal connections and help prevent wear and tear.

The seeds of apples also help in the most popular benefit of consuming the forbidden fruit, improving intestinal transit and digestion due to its high fiber content, water, and sugars of rapid absorption. The flavonoid element also acts in this function since It protects us from the action of oxidizers and prevents the increase in cholesterol.

Therefore, it is clear that a little seed will not kill you or make you sick. But if you are not willing to experience nausea, vomiting, and other poisoning symptoms, it is best to avoid the harmful substances in large quantities.

Recalling that the apple itself, besides being extremely tasty and healthy, does not cause any harm to the human body.

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