
Types of Social Media Network: How to use them for your Brand in 2021

Types of social media network – The role of social media networks and the approach that users can have through them to our brands is one of the great opportunities today to grow our presence and profits. How do you get the best out of each one of them? Take note.

We know that social media networks are a key tool in our digital strategies, but do we know how to use each of them separately? The truth is that dedicating the same effort to publish Stories on Facebook as on Instagram may be wasting time; Therefore, you are most likely underestimating the potential that LinkedIn has for your brand, and perhaps you are wasting your time considering one social media network or another depending on the nature of your brand.

The truth is that each one has its own nature, and therefore deserves to be addressed in a specific and timely manner. There are no secret formulas, just quirks for you to handle. 

Numbers and basic considerations 

That social media networks are essential for your digital strategy is no longer under discussion. However, what is needed instead is to clarify and consider certain basic aspects. Thus, we must bear in mind that 45% of the world population is daily active on social media networks, of which 90.4% are millennials, 77.5% are part of “generation X,” and 48.2% are part of the well-known baby boomers. So yes, they are necessary. 

So much so that the numbers confirm it: 71% of users who have a good experience on a brand’s social media networks are more likely to recommend it to their close friends later. However, here is the crossroads: although 80% of brands consider that they make good use of their social media networks, only 8% of the users who consume them consider that this is the case. And that is worrying in the year 2021.  

Each one in her own style 

You will most likely wonder how to use each of them to your advantage and if your brand is performing well. Here we tell you how to approach each of the existing social media networks. 


It is the ideal social media network to grow your metrics in terms of engagement. Thus, we must take into account 3 types of them, which are the ones that generate the best figures: entertainment with 67% of users commenting or giving “Like,” inspiration with 57%, and finally educational with 46%. Parents should consider that Baby Boomers and Generation Z prefer Facebook. 


Its growth during 2020 was considerable. Thus, although it did not lose its focus and continues to define itself as a platform preferred by users who seek information on labor and business issues, it is also an excellent option if you want to draw users’ attention regarding the expertise or areas in which your brand unfolds. Thus, 46% of the traffic to the brands’ official sites on social media networks comes from LinkedIn and 80% of the potential B2B customers. 


Preferred by young adults, it is a social media network seen as a conversational channel with brands, so it requires you to be especially present for your users. 83% of users think that a brand is considerably more trustworthy and would be willing to do business with it if they get a response through Twitter, and 53% of users bought a product that they saw for the first time on the platform. 


The versatility of this social media network when creating content is one of its most important characteristics. It is excellent to generate interaction with our users through the multifaceted Reels and show ourselves as a brand with its own personality from publications and stories. It is preferred by 41% of generation Z, who choose to follow their favorite brands through this social media network. By 23% of brands prefer to invest in advertising on Instagram over Facebook.


It is known for being a highly transversal platform, which means that the requirement here is to know how to cover crowds. Try not to be so specific or speak to a particular audience because, most likely, the possibility of it being consumed by Generation X users is just as likely to be for a Baby Boomer.

Know your users

This is how you post, the platform you use for each content, and other factors that can help you know what results to expect from each of them. However, it is clear that these are only guides; although, there are common lines that characterize each social media network. The fundamental thing will always be to study your users, understand them, respond to their needs, and empathize with the “how” they consume your brand and their perception. 

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