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5 Saturated Fat Foods That You Should Limit In Your Diet

Saturated Fat Foods That You Should Avoid

Saturated Fat Foods: Not all the fats we eat are bad. Unsaturated fats are necessary for our body to function properly. We should not fear them; we have a problem with saturated fats. This type of fat, among other things, triggers our cholesterol, facilitating the development of heart or coronary diseases, and makes us gain weight. Saturated fats have no place in a healthy and balanced diet, so we should know the foods they contain.

1. Butter and margarine

One of the food’s richest Saturated Fat Foods is butter. 100 grams provide us with 15 grams of saturated fat and 250 milligrams of cholesterol. The numbers speak for themselves, and the most common alternatives are not highly recommended either. Margarine gives us the same fats as buttery can contain Trans fat, even worse-, and peanut butter or corn margarine also have a significant presence of saturated fat.

Butter or margarine, which is better?

Butter is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods- mongersmint
Butter is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods.

2. The cheese

Usually, dairy is an important source of saturated fat, but butter or cheese are two of the best examples. Although it provides us with calcium or proteins, we see that 100 grams of cheeses such as gruyere, münster, or parmesan provide us with 95% of saturated fat foods that we should eat per day a percentage that rises to 105% in the case of cheddar. Goat cheese is also high in saturated fat, so better opt for low-fat cheeses, a recommendation that can be extended to other dairy products.

Discover the healthiest dairy

Cheese is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods- mongersmint
Cheese is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods || Shutterstock

3. Fats of animal origin

The meat of animal origin is usually rich in saturated fat – except for fish and shellfish. In preparing hamburgers, sausages, meatballs, Y processed meats like pate and sausages. We have a large presence of animal fat, which is also used in fried foods or sauces that accompany precooked meat. 40% of these foods are made up of saturated fat, which drops to 15% in pâté and sausage.

Fats of animal origin is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods- Mongersmint
Fats of animal origin is one of the best Saturated Fat Foods || Shutterstock

4. Saturated oils

Hydrogenated oils like coconut oil, palm oil, or peanut oil are a great source of saturated fat, which is transferred to the food we cook with them, both when frying and preparing the sauces will accompany them, for example, mayonnaise. One of the most common uses of these oils is industrial products, such as cookies, pastries, or snacks, which we should also avoid. These oils’ vegetable origin can lead us to confusion, but they are rich in saturated fat.

Saturated oils are one of the best Saturated Fat Foods- mongersmint
Saturated oils are one of the best Saturated Fat Foods || Shutterstock

5. Vegetable products

As with some oils, we have plant-based foods with high levels of saturated fat foods. Coconut and cocoa are two of the best examples. Approximately 30% of the fats in fresh coconut are saturated, which doubles in cocoa cream or cocoa powder. No matter how pure the chocolate is, the tablet we all have in the fridge also provides us with a significant amount of saturated fat.

Vegetable Products are one of the best Saturated Fat Foods- mongersmint
Vegetable Products are one of the best Saturated Fat Foods.

So is it better to limit or eliminate these fats from the diet?

Dairy or meat are part of any healthy diet. Must consume these products in a moderate and reasoned way. For example, if we choose clean cuts of meat, we will reduce saturated fat without skin or fat. You have to eat meat three or four times a week. Like two or three eggs will not harm you despite the saturated fats in the yolk. Fat-free dairy and olive oil are always a good option, but for what there is, no alternative for the chocolate. Can you limit its presence in your diet?

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