
Epic games v Apple: Billion Dollar Lawsuits Incoming!


Epic games v Apple: In November 2020, Apple asked Valve for a large amount of Steam business data to use in its lawsuit against Epic Games. In the fight that takes place between Games Apple and Epic, a new actor has just appeared, Valve, to whom the Cupertino company requested a large amount of sensitive information from your Steam platform to be able to use it in the context of the ongoing lawsuit against the developer of games video.

The battle between Apple and Epic Games has been going on for a long time

Tim Cook’s company asked Valve for a large amount of Steam data to use against Epic Games.

As our PC Gamer colleagues tell us, Apple asked Valve in November of last year many commercial data from Steam for use in your legal action against Epic Games.

How to switch from Fortnite to Google Play at Epic’s Fortnite and why

We must remember that this dispute between Apple and Epic Games began in August 2020 when the developer added a new payment system to the version of their Fortnite video game on iOS to bypass, like that, the 30% commission Apple charges developers when a user purchases an application or make an in-app purchase from the App Store. This prompted the Cupertino-based company to decide to kick Fortnite from your mobile app store, a fact that prompted Epic Games to take legal action against Apple to demand the return of Fortnite to iOS.

From that moment, opposing positions were established between the two companies since, on the one hand, Apple claims that the data requested from Valve are relevant in your lawsuit against Epic Games because Valve’s digital distribution service, Steam, is the largest distributor of digital computer games today and as such a direct competitor of the Epic Game Store.

On the other hand, Valve considers that it has already provided Apple with the necessary information in its legal action against Epic Games and refuses to provide the commercial data it is now requesting, arguing that Steam is not a competitor in the mobile gaming segment and fact, Fortnite is not on Steam. Besides, Valve claims that Apple is using to access a large amount of third-party data, which rightfully belong to them.

Steam sensitive data that Apple allegedly asked Valve are as follows:

  • The total annual sales of apps and products within the app.
  • Steam’s annual ad revenue.
  • Annual sales of external products attributable to Steam.
  • Steam annual revenue.
  • Steam annual earnings (gross or net).

But it didn’t stop here as the Cupertino-based company reportedly asked seniors Valve documentation with the following information:

  • The name of each application on Steam.
  • The date range in which these apps were available on Steam.

Epic Games launches monthly subscriptions for Fortnite, and it’s more expensive than Netflix.

We still don’t know how this will end disputes between Apple and Epic Games, but the best thing for iOS users is to agree that they can replay Fortnite on their devices.

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