
10 DNA test results that surprised people and led to incredible stories

Many people underestimate DNA tests since, with their help, one can confirm or deny paternity/motherhood and learn about their ethnic roots and even find relatives. Moreover, to take the test, you don’t even need to leave your home, as there are now online surveys.

To pass such a DNA test, it is enough to leave a request on the website, after which you will be sent a special kit for the collection of material, which will have to be sent to the company and wait for the results. A large number of people have already used this service, and sometimes the results of their DNA tests led to the appearance of merely incredible stories, and 10 of these are just waiting for you next.

The two men were friends for over 60 years before they found out they were actually brothers.

dna test reasults- mongersmint

Friends Walter McFarlane and Alan Robinson grew up together in Honolulu, Hawaii, and went on vacation with their families as adults. They decided to study their family history when they were already in their 70s. None of them were raised by biological parents – Alan was adopted, and Walter never knew his father. After passing a DNA test, longtime friends found out that they have the same birth mother. Thanks to the results, they understood where such a strong connection between them came from.

When a pregnant single mother of two, Lydia Fairchild, faced financial problems, she decided to turn to the state for help.

dna test- mongersmint

According to media reports, the woman was asked to undergo a DNA test to confirm that she is her children’s mother. The results showed that the children she gave birth to … were actually her nephews. At the birth of her third child, Lydia decided to invite a state witness, and they performed a DNA test on the spot. Again, the results showed that she was the child’s aunt.

Finally, scientists learned that Lydia was actually a chimera. Chimera is an organism composed of genetically different cells. Lydia absorbed her twin while still in her mother’s womb, so the DNA results showed her twin’s DNA.

A century-old family secret was revealed with a DNA test.

A century-old family secret was revealed with a DNA test- mongersmint

Alice Collins Plebuch identified herself as Irish American. However, the DNA test showed something odd – a mixture of genes from European Jews, Middle Eastern, and Eastern Europeans were found in the results. Later, through family-wide DNA testing, Alice learned that her father was not her grandparents’ biological child.

Further investigation revealed that her newborn father had been sent from the hospital to the wrong family. Thus, her grandparents raised Alice’s father as their own child, explaining European genes’ presence in her DNA.

The Manage family had three children, but they wanted one more, so they decided to adopt a 10-year-old girl named Elliana from China.

The girl was diagnosed with a brain disease. Back home, the family shared their story with the Galbirtz family, who went to the same church with them and adopted a girl from China named Kinley, who had a similar brain disorder. The families decided to test their DNA and learned that the girls’ results matched 99.9%, which means they are sisters. So two different families accidentally adopted two sisters.

Steve Dennis was adopted in early childhood, and only as a teenager did he learn that he was dumped in a phone booth in Lancaster, Ohio, USA, immediately after birth.

“The baby was thrown in a telephone booth.”

It was back in the mid-50s when several men found Steve’s baby in a phone booth, lying in a cardboard box, wrapped in several blankets, along with a bottle of milk. No one ever found out who left him in the phone booth.

More than 60 years later, his children began to show interest in their ancestors, so Steve decided to do a DNA test. With the help of the results obtained, it was possible to track down Steve’s cousin and then his half-sister, who told him about his biological mother.

It turns out she was 85 and lived in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. It took the woman a while to remember the details, but she remembered how she gave birth to Steve at age 18. The woman said that Steve’s father convinced her to leave the child in the phone booth, as he promised to marry her if she did. However, he went shortly after that, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Two British women were surprised when their DNA tests showed they were Native American.

dna test discovery- mongersmint

The women were confident that none of their family members had ever been to America. Doreen Isherwood and Ann Hall found out that they are descendants of Native Americans brought to the UK hundreds of years ago. According to the BBC, they may have been brought here as slaves, translators, or tribal representatives.

Kelly Rowlett knew perfectly well that her father was not her own because the family used a sperm bank to conceive her.

Kelly Rowlett knew perfectly well that her father was not her own because the family used a sperm bank to conceive her- mongersmint
Kelly Rowlett knew perfectly well that her father was not her own because the family used a sperm bank to conceive her.

However, Kelly was not prepared for what the DNA test showed. Apparently, the doctor her parents worked with, Gerald Mortimer, used his own sperm and was technically her father. Kelly is suing the doctor, his wife, and his former medical team. She accused them of: “medical malpractice, carrying out a procedure without consent, fraud, bodily harm, moral damage and breach of contract.”

Las Vegas resident Rich Bodaguer was adopted in 1968 and just wanted to know about his biological parents.

Las Vegas resident Rich Bodaguer was adopted in 1968 and just wanted to know about his biological parents- mongersmint
Las Vegas resident Rich Bodaguer was adopted in 1968 and just wanted to know about his biological parents.

He passed a DNA test, which showed a fantastic result. It turned out that someone else in the hospital’s database was linked to Rich – and that person was his granddaughter, which he knew was utterly impossible. Later, he did meet with his “granddaughter.” As it turned out, she was his half-sister and had been looking for him for 15 years.

Imagine the surprise of parents who are told that their son’s blood type does not match their own

To conceive it, the couple went to a fertility clinic. Upon learning that their son’s genetic material did not match their data, they feared that there was a terrible confusion in the laboratory. As a result, the couple decided to do a DNA test, which showed that the child’s father was actually his uncle. And this is another case of the chimera twin, which was his father. This means that the twin consumed the cells of the other embryo after it died in the womb.

Andrea Ramirez decided to take a DNA test to learn more about the history of her Mexican roots.

Andrea Ramirez decided to take a DNA test to learn more about the history of her Mexican roots.- mongersmint
Andrea Ramirez decided to take a DNA test to learn more about the history of her Mexican roots.- mongersmint

However, the test results showed that she was not Mexican at all but that the man she called her father was not her. Andrea looked for potential family members in the testing facility’s database and found matches with several other people who may have been her half-sister and half-brother.

Andrea later learned that the parents had used donated sperm to conceive her. The woman decided to meet with the people found in the database, and so she found her half-sister Jennifer Rose Jones, who was developed in the same clinic as Andrea. DNA results showed that they had the same father, and now they are trying to find him.

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