
Dengue Forms: Infection, Symptoms And Treatment

Dengue Forms: Infection, Symptoms, And Treatment

As the warmer days approach, one of the biggest concerns is the appearance of different mosquitoes, especially if they can cause dengue. This disease can infect anyone and drives about 500,000 people a year admitted in the world.

According to the WHO, dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti that happens when tropical and subtropical climates arrive in urban and semi-urban areas. Those who carry it are humans, and mosquitoes are the ones who cause transmission and contagion.

Although more than 70% of the disease burden is concentrate in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. 

WHO warned that the incidence and severity of the disease in Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years increased.

The main form of contagion is through mosquito bites, although some cases related to sexual transmission have been detected. These mosquitoes also transmit other diseases such as chikungunya fever, Zika virus infection, and yellow fever.

How to prevent dengue?

  • The primary prevention lies in avoiding contact with this species and protecting the body and skin from its bites using repellants.
  • Tidy the home and the outdoor environment to prevent mosquitoes from depositing eggs (they usually do so in lids, jars, accumulated plastics, etc.)
  • Eliminate solid pet waste in the garden and possible artificial habitats.
  • In the areas most frequented by transmitting mosquitoes, it is essential to use mosquito screens on the windows and dress in long-sleeved clothing.
  • Weekly clean and empty all containers that store water for domestic use, such as jugs from which pets drink. Specific insecticides are very useful to apply at the base of the tanks that conserve water in the open. On this point, it corresponds to receive professional advice to avoid toxic or dangerous substances.
  • Carry out biological fumigation on products that attract mosquitoes such as wood and tires and in stagnant areas.

What are the common symptoms?

WHO medical specialists explain that when people suffer from this disease, they go through a feverish picture, accompanied by a skin rash, muscle aches, and other symptoms.

As with Covid-19, dengue symptoms do not appear instantly. Instead, they start after an incubation period that can span between 5 and 8 days after the initial bite.

  • The main list of dengue symptoms includes:
  • High fever, as a characteristic symptom
  • Rashes on the skin, especially in the neck and arms
  • Nausea and vomiting (not an ever-present symptom)
  • I was feeling weak and generally unwell.
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Light bleeding from the nose and gums
  • Sore throat and dry cough

Dengue Forms: is there treatment and a cure?

So far, experts assure that there is no specific treatment to combat dengue. It is a disease with a high mortality rate, which reaches 2.5% of cases, so prevention is the best measure that can be taken and early diagnosis.

However, medical monitoring is essential to prevent worsening the situation, relieve symptoms, and prevent a fatality. The effects and evolution of the disease must be control. For this, doctors usually resort to anti-inflammatories, indications of rest for the patient, and antipyretics. More in-depth treatments, electrolyte balance, and blood transfusions (if there is bleeding) are suggested, accompanied by control of the platelets’ number.

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