
Blogger Routines: Some Things You Can Never Escape

First of all, as almost as anyone, I am easily distracted. If a page on the internet does not load in less than a second, I already have the phone in my hand and my finger on Instagram so that those two seconds of upload become twenty minutes of scrolling through endless stories, feeds, videos, etc. But that is something which people can manage. However, here are 4 Blogger Routines that almost every blogger has to follow and sometimes cannot complete within a certain amount of time (say half an hour).

Blogger Routines 1: The Content

Every blogger’s routines begin with the loss of prejudice against routines. They organize us! Routine 1 is the beginning of everything: What are we going to talk about? Here’s a tip born with writing and is still very much alive in the Digital Age. 

Study your subject before writing.

Think, reflect, date the theme. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be simple or complex. Niche or universal. The important thing is for the reader to realize that the blogger has mastered what he is communicating. Or at least trying to communicate.

Do not fill sausage or rummage the wording. It is better to be direct. The target is the reader’s heart. Try to hit it. Never commit the sin of underestimating the intelligence or sensitivity of whoever is reading the post.

Always look for an image and put it on top of the text. Like a good title, the image – a photo or drawing – is the gateway to reading. Let us be disciplined with images.

Review what you have written. Ever.

Blogger Routines 2: Post to the blog

As easy as these blogger routines are, turn off the autopilot. Think of each post as unique. When we post, we are posting our message.

In the past, people nailed the message to cork surfaces. Today the surface is digital. But the idea of ​​getting the message across remains the same.

Post the text, post the image. If comments arrive, answer them one by one. The reader who comments took the message seriously. He deserves an answer! A nod.

Get organized to post regularly. This keeps our blog alive (believe me, the internet is full of dead blogs). The cause of the death of most of them was negligence on the part of the blogger.

If you’re starting out and it’s still expensive to write, try to be at least a weekly poster. Establish a day of the week to post. Fixing a day helps our concentration.

Blogger Routines 3: Share

Having a blog and not sharing is like setting up a store and not opening doors. Nobody’s going to see what’s inside. You will sell zero.

Today the biggest challenge is to win attention. The digital reader has an Amazon of options. But he is a human being.

Our blogs must have relevant content for them. But before trying to be relevant, we need to be seen. Use and abuse your social networks. Be displayed: Look, guys, there’s a new post on my blog. Do you already know my blog?

Of course, disclosure does not guarantee that your blog will be read. But without disclosure, certainly, it will not be read. We need to understand this and work hard on the blogger routines of sharing.

Ah, and of course, the most important thing during this routine: sow dialogues with your readers on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc. Nobody likes to comment on a post and be left without the author’s reply. These are times of the internet, times of interaction.

Blogger Routines 4: Monitor

Over the months and shares, one can easily discover a niche of readers that interacts the most with your content. And, of course, discovering non-readers. It’s not a problem. Remember that the choice is always up to the reader.

My suggestion is to forget about non-readers (they are not interested in your content) and focus on your readers. Make a pact with yourself to always deliver quality posts to them.

When writing, think about these readers. Note which content is relevant to each of them. How do we find that out? Comparing posts. Why was one post more liked and commented on than another?

Finding that answer is not easy. It is not obvious. But you will need to find it. Ignite neurons. Review the successful posts. But mostly review the posts that you didn’t like. Do you know that these blogger routines teaches more about the work that has to be done than the entirety of the project at hand? It is true.

How to achieve all this?

By organizing and optimizing your time, you are less stressed, as everything will be planned, and activities will not last for the last hour. So you work well, happier and have a better quality of life.

Consequently, you don’t waste time having to redo your day’s tasks.

By organizing and managing your time well, you can be more productive. That’s because without getting in the way of so many activities, you can set priorities and develop tasks at the right time.

Combining all the other benefits I mentioned above, you will be able to perform better and better and achieve the results you expect. Thus, you are more motivated, and your work is valued at the company!

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is based on the idea of ​​work blocks, followed by rest intervals. 25 minutes of work are preached for 5 minutes of rest; at the end of 4 blocks of work, you get 30 minutes to relax.

The idea is that in the work blocks, you have your attention totally focused on the work, without distractions. In between, you must disconnect completely from the task; it’s worth drinking water, going to the bathroom or checking out social media. So you stay focused to save time and get through multiple numbers of posts by going through the blogger routines.

You can put the Pomodoro technique into practice with the help of your cell phone timer, but be aware that some apps and websites can help you!

Well, now you know the blogger routines every writer has to go through. Got a query? Visit us on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn| for all the latest information and news worldwide. Join our tribe and allow us to become a part of your life.

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